Thursday, July 31, 2008

QPID_CLI 0.2 Released

Major changes

1.You can use list command without specifying object type using -o option by giving object type at the beginning.

  • ex: queue list - This is equal to list -o queue.
  • exchange list - This is equal to list -o exchange

2. Added following options for list command.

  • -n --name Allow user to specify object name type.
  • -v --virtualhost Allow user to specify virtualhost type.
  • -output Allow user to specify output format (csv)
  • -separator Separator for the output formatter

3. Change the way list command display information.

  • Now list command display limited number of information in a tabular format which is very clear.
  • If user want to see all the attributes of particular object user have to use info command.

4.Added a new command to CLI called ** info **

  • This command is very similar to list command and supports almost all the arguments which works with list command.
  • Only difference is this command display all the attributes of particular object type in a different format.

5.Added command completion for users convenience now you can use TAB key to complete the command and object type.

6.Added capability of running a command in one shot which is very useful when you want to run particular command in qpid-cli using a
shell script.

  • Ex: <$QPID_CLI/bin/qpid-cli queue list > - This command list all the queue objects and exit from the CLI so you can use these when you use shell scripts.
  • Usage of one shot mode : you can use grep awk like commands with normal qpid-cli commands with one shot mode like this.
$QPID_CLI/bin/qpid-cli queue list | grep ping

You can download it from here

Project Homepage

I warmly welcome your early feedback on this implementation.

Thanks for your interest in Apache Qpid and Qpid CLI.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

QPID_CLI 0.1 Released

I have released Apache Qpid CLI it's first release with version 0.1.This is basically a management console which works with almost all the releases of Apache Qpid with JMX support and allow users to monitor useful information via the console.This works only for Linux based systems.

Key features

  1. This management console is released for the first time and at the moment it allows users to list number of MBean information which registered inside the qpid Java broker.
  1. This only supports only for the following command since this is the first release.
List appropriate information of the give object
  • list
For more informations
  • list --help
Disconnect the management console with Java broker
and come back to normal command prompt
  • exit

You can download it from here

Project Homepage

I warmly welcome your early feedback on this implementation.

Thanks for your interest in Apache Qpid and Qpid CLI.